Darin and I just returned from our overnight trip to Santiago Peak, part of the Saddleback mountain range. Santiago peak is approximately 5600′ in elevation. Overnight conditions were in the low 60’s(F) with a very slight easterly breeze.
Our primary operating station was my Yaesu FT-857d, MD-100 desk mic and LDG AT-100 pro auto tuner. The HF antenna was a 102″ G5RV 80-6 meter dipole configured inverted V. Darin used his Kenwood TS-430 for a few contacts as well. We worked 2M, 10M, 15M, 17M, 20M, 40M and 80M. Darin also played around using his mobile rig on 11 meter making contacts with many odd-ball characters around SoCal.
Thank you for the contact if you worked us on the air! Click [HERE] for images of the trip. –… …– 73!!